CJB Leading the Way: 2022 Capacity Expansion in Liquid Milling
CJB Leading the Way: 2022 Capacity Expansion in Liquid Milling
2022 brings a continued rise in demand for crop protection formulation services into a market that is highly competitive, and somewhat constrained . As companies strive to meet the needs of this growing industry, there comes a concern for maintaining quality work, minimizing waste, and maximizing efficiency.
Since the company’s inception in 1997, CJB Industries has developed proven processes and time-tested strategies to maintain excellence in product manufacturing. In 2022, we continue this commitment.
In order to offer our customers the same great service they’ve known and have come to rely on, we are maintaining our high standards of operating and focusing our efforts and capital on facility and equipment expansion to meet the growing demands of this industry.
What Sets CJB Industries Apart?
Service and Innovation
Since day one, we’ve been committed to growth through service and innovation. We get excited when our industry evolves. We meet the challenge head-on as an opportunity to expand our efforts and make an impact.
“We pride ourselves on being the authority in custom formulation and packaging services. We are experts in particle size reduction in liquids. We manage our capacity to handle your request and meet your challenges.”
- Sims Turner, CJB Industries
We Meet Challenges Head On
There is no job that we shy away from. Our team and facilities are more than capable of handling your requests and meeting your challenges.
Specializing in Particle Size Reduction in Liquid Formulations
We understand the delicate nature of this process. We know that the proper equipment is paramount, and we understand that the process cannot be rushed. Maintaining product integrity and delivering the highest quality product is always our end goal.
Our expert team has proven to our trusted customers that we are talented, experienced, and capable of exceeding your production standards, repeatedly.
“25 years in business is a testament to the trust our customers have in us to produce a quality product.”
- Sims Turner, CJB Industries
2019-2021 Production Statistics
In 2021, we earned the trust of 6 new customers. We appreciate each and every one. We take pride in the fact that 97% of our business is repeat customers.
Each year, we add 3-5 customers to our existing book of business, and we continue to expand partnerships that have been in place for many years.
Statistics say a lot more than words can, and here are some of our highlights from the past three years.
Across two facilities and 9 mill systems, CJB Industries has produced:
- 2019-2021: 172 unique milled formulations across 500+ finished goods
- 2021: 28 brand new formulations
- 2020: 124 new finished goods
- 2020: 65 million pounds of product
We Don’t Compromise Quality
When it comes to producing high quality suspension concentrates, we take every measure to ensure absolute quality across the board. This starts with our facility layout and equipment, continues with our great amount of flexibility with our mill systems, and includes our meticulous care to maintain the low temperatures necessary to keep your product integrity intact.
Our Facilities and Equipment
Among our two facilities and 9 mill systems, we offer a great variety of combinations and production rates. Each system has its own set of 1-3 mills, while each offers different tank and mill combinations to meet specific production demands.
In 2022, we are expanding to a third facility in Valdosta, GA, adding another mill system, so that we can continue to meet customer standards and take on an even greater capacity. And, there’s room at the third facility for additional capital investment in the future.
While CJB specializes in producing high quality liquid ag chem formulas, we continually look for opportunities to expand our capabilities and offer more diverse services.
Extremely Low Particle Size
These various setups allow our experts to observe, supervise and document every stage of our proven process. With a wide variety of mill and media sizes and compositions, we are able to meet any particle size requirement your product has, including sub-micron requirements.
Extremely Low Temperature Requirement
Our experienced team understands the intricacies of the milling systems and chemical manufacturing. Monitoring of pump speed, rate of shaft and the milling process ensures product integrity throughout.
This process is both a science and an art, and it’s all about striking that delicate balance to reach optimum particle size without creating too much heat and without damaging the material.
The combination of our expertise and equipment allows us to offer more efficient cooling capabilities than other chemical manufacturers.
Our Process is Never Rushed
Respecting the process and understanding the limitations of our equipment allows us to stay focused on quality over quantity or speed. Throughout our expansion process, we knew this was one area we had to leave intact. That’s why we turned our focus on facility expansion instead.
Capacity Expansion for Liquid Milling
The challenge to find a solution to the need for increased milling capacity in the market led us to the only path we were willing to take: expansion of our facilities and systems. We have some big changes happening in 2022, and we’re thrilled to be able to share our growth and innovation with both current and new customers.
CJB Industries’ efforts are focusing on:
- Adding milling capacity at a 3rd manufacturing facility in Valdosta, GA
- Installing a 9th milling system
- Increasing size of existing mills to increase overall throughput for product
Rising to meet the demands of a growing market, CJB Industries is leading the way in capacity expansion in liquid milling.
Our goal is to continue to be the trusted authority in chemical manufacturing, exceeding customer expectations and maintaining the highest quality product output on the market today.
To reach out to a specialist for additional information regarding our milling process, liquid milling, or capacity expansion, please contact us and we’d be happy to help.
Get in Touch!
Count on CJB Industries
Whether you’re a small business, a multinational company, or somewhere in between, you can depend on CJB Industries to:
- Be a company that solves problems
- Support you with a knowledgeable, flexible team
- Collaborate using an efficient, proven process
- Deliver a product that meets your expectations